Rare Fortune Productions
Murder on Cue
by Robin Jennifer Miller

Gossip and old rivalries sustain the residents of Maple Lodge, a retirement home for actors, as much as dry sherry and shepherds pie.
But now there’s a spate of malicious anonymous letters, a rewritten will and the home is cut off by heavy snow. Surely even the most temperamental of luvvies wouldn’t descend to…… murder?
The residents join forces to solve the mystery – but this is not make-believe. Now they are performing for their lives!
The same creative team that brought you their sell-out farce last year, Liberty Hall, returns with another professional world premiere.
OSO Arts Centre, London
2nd – 6th April 2019
Directed by Maurice Thorogood
The Cast
Sue – Julia Haythorn
Judy – Leonora Fyfe
Gareth – James Price
Molly – Carolyn Pertwee
Larry – Gregory Cox
Sybil – Sylvia Carson
Desiree – Robin Miller
Charles – Martin Wimbush
Olivia – Hilary Derrett
Director – Maurice Thorogood
Stage Manager / Sound & Lighting – Susan Casanove
Producer – Julia Haythorn
Writer – Robin Miller
Photography – Paddy Gormley