Rare Fortune Productions
Past Productions
Our starting point is always our audience. What do they want to see? What will be a great night out for them?
So our plays range from farce to thriller via high comedy. We have been fortunate enough to have world premieres of new plays (Robin Miller’s Liberty Hall and Murder on Cue) as well as Alan Ayckbourn’s gloriously funny Round and Round the Garden.
The coronavirus crisis has brought its own problems to live theatre. So we were delighted to find a slot between lockdowns in September 2020, where we created Brief Encounters – a collection of plays by contemporary writers. A socially distanced cast presented five very different plays to a socially distanced audience.
As the crisis continued, we continued to make live theatre. Our next production was Waiting in the Wings at the OSO Art Centre in Barnes in June 2021.
We were so pleased to be able to produce Life Changes by Carolyn Pertwee in October 2021. We had been rehearsing it when the pandemic struck and couldn’t wait to finally put it on at the OSO Arts Centre to full houses and an extremely resposive audience.